What is Vasa Concept

Vasa Concept is developed by physiotherapist and clinical scientist Rajul Vasa from India. Vasa Concept offers solution for neurological patients with cerepral palsy, stroke, brain contusion or cerebrovascular accident or spinal cord injury. The aim of Vasa Concept is to strengthen functional capacity and return performance as close as possible to the level before illness or injury, with the help of regular training of Vasa Concept movements. You can read more about the progress in the materials.

Vasa Concept focuses on strengthening the flow of information to the brain and central nervous system as well as the spine and peripheral nervous system by waking up the paralyzed side of the body. The theoretical reference framework is built around physiological, neurophysiological and neurological research data.  Stabilizing the body’s center of mass, COM, utilizing the sense of movement and position, activating the balance system, increasing information within and between the limbs, and coordinating the body and anticipating movement (anticipatory postural adjustment, APA) are the priorities of restore the patient.

Vasa Concept is a holistic approach to rehabilitate spasticity, motor deficiency, abnormal synergic grouping, subluxation of shoulder and neuropsychological symptoms. It is to advance the information between the body and the brain. Vasa Concept is based on the combination of physiological knowledge of the body functions to neuroscientific findings related to neuroplasticity and brain-derived behaviour. By reintroducing automatic control on local and global center of mass safety to paretic segments, the brain will use the reciprocal information and start to re-re-organize. Physical and cognitive recovery emerges as by-product. In Vasa Concept education, you learn more about the theoretical background.

Briefly in plain language: Vasa Concept focuses especially on promoting the production of automatic movements, so that in the future the patient does not have to repeatedly think about producing movements, e.g. looking at the next step while walking. The theory of the Vasa Concept method is based on promoting the flow of information from the limbs to the spinal cord and brain and back. Vasa Concept exercises promote the flow of information on the paralyzed side of the body, and as a result, optimal and voluntary movement is awakened.

You may read more about Vasa Concept on Rajul Vasa Foundation homepage www.vasaconcept.in

Here is patients experiences

“Ataxia has decreased and I can carry a tray”

“I can walk with feet straight out, earlier my toes were pointing out”

“My fingers are more relaxed and washing my face is easier”

“My finger is moving after many years”

“My first steps”